
viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

Design for Obama

The Oviedo School of Art offered an exhibition on Thursday, the 17th of November, in its exhibition hall, called "Design for Obama". There were many important people, such as: the General Manager of Universities and Investigation, Mrs. Pilar Castro Pañeda, the Director of the of the United States Embassy’s Culture Department, Mrs. Laura Gould, and the Headmaster of the Music Conservatory from the Principado de Asturias, Mr. Alberto Ventanilla.  

The exhibition presents eighty posters selected by Spike Lee and Aaron Perry-Zucker. All of them made for the United States presidential campaign of 2008. 

President Obama used the internet and social networks to unite all his followers and make his government program known. This made him a favorite amongst younger voters and changed the way electoral campaigns were handled in The United States.

The 2008 campaign of the democratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America is now considered a communicative phenomenon, for using new technologies and for motivating mobilization and public intervention.

The website "” was a smart and democratic contribution from the North American design and visual arts sectors towards this campaign. North American designers participated without charge, using this free access website.

This exhibition is not only about North American graphic design. We present evidence of what Barack Obama’s presidential campaign meant, and more specifically, what it did for democratic communication.
 All activities related to this exhibition and its itinerary through Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, Las Palmas, Zaragoza, Malaga, Oviedo and Murcia can be followed through from May 2011 until January 2012.

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