
jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Raquel (not Rachel)’s poster

This was my idea for the Halloween Poster Contest. It’s inspired in the traditional Halloween legend that tells how that night the line between the world of the living and the realm of the dead is broken and it’s believed that the souls of the dead wander the earth, in a last attempt to make amends, tend unfinished business or execute vengeance -that being the reason why people started wearing masks, to avoid being recognised by the spirits. This is an image of what I imagined a procession of souls in the night would look like. People found it scary. I’m used to it.
It was entirely painted in the computer with photoshop, and originally in black and white. Some trouble with the printing process made it greenish and much darker but I had to leave it there (deadline and no more patience left among other reasons). I used a typography called Bleeding Cowboys, inspired also in the american style, that seemed to fit well, in white to contrast with the dark background.(This is one of the versions)

1 comentario:

  1. excellent RACHEL!!! although I'm used to it ;)
    I know the printing process gave you some problems but in the end it did quite well...
